ADR Notable


ADR Notable has features that are easy to use and support you at every step

Our mediation case management software includes easy case intake, billing, requesting and storing documents from clients, checklists and task reminders, notetaking, document building, CRM functionality, and more.

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A comprehensive mediation case management software designed for dispute resolution practitioners

Tools for before, after, during, and any time

Before a Session

animation of 3 people around a table

During a session

After a Session

hands on laptop with data

sideview of hands on laptop keyboard


  • All the functionality of a CRM.
  • Where are your cases coming from? Track your referrals in ADR Notable.
  • Identify repeat clients with system reporting.
  • Business intelligence reports help identify profitable case types, mediator productivity.
  • Statistical reporting on case types, case status, repeat clients, time spent (the list goes on).
  • Sort and filter all of your cases by type, day opened, status, practitioner – display only what you need to see.
  • Dashboard connects you to your calendar and email, shows you your agenda and case checklist reminders.

Schedule a demo with us!

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