Put your training materials right in your learners' workspace, stored securely in the Cloud. You control what is in your Training Library and who has access.
The free Trainee Subscription and subsequent discount is an offer only available to the trainees of ADR Notable Training Partners.
Mediation Technology is here to stay. You can be the trainer who provides new and experienced mediators a learning opportunity on a case and practice management platform that is easy to master.
The training platform available to Instructors and Trainees includes all the functions except Scheduling. So trainees could do their case prep in the platform, then share the case with you to review and advise.
Work with ADR Notable to provide your trainees with a webinar on how to get the most out of their 90-day free subscription.
We are proud of our training partners and are delighted to promote your services to the ADR Notable community of users and friends on the Find a Trainer page.
Looking for first-rate training opportunities?
When you take a course from an Official ADR Notable Training Partner, you will find resources from your course in an ADR Notable library section dedicated for the exclusive use of the program participants.
Organize your files and more in one convenient place.
Store and organize your documents, create checklists to keep you on track, and upload your clauses to pull when creating a term sheet.
Enjoy a better way to take notes.
Track issues, facts, and proposals. Quickly attribute a note to a party, drag and drop or reorder your notes, link notes together, add counter-proposals, time sessions. Agreements move into the document builder automatically.
If I'm an ADR Notable Training Partner, do my trainees receive any benefits?
They do! They receive a complimentary 90-day Training Subscription that gives them access to everything except Scheduling with CalendarHero. We recognize that for new mediators, there's a lot going on so we want to make sure they have time to fully experience the platform. At the end of that 60 days, if they subscribe, they get 10% off an annual or monthly subscription. We will create a page on our website for your Training Firm that describes these benefits to your trainees.
Can anyone other than those enrolled in my course see the materials I upload?
No, access to your materials is restricted.. You control the people who have access to your Training Library by inviting them to the course. When they accept, they will be able to see the documents, clauses, and checklists you have uploaded. A student enrolled in one of your courses will not be able to access the material in a different course unless she is signed up for that course and invited by you.
Are you willing to provide any training or orientation to the ADR Notable platform for my trainees?
Yes! In fact, we recommend either inviting Gary to one of your sessions or setting up a separate "lunch and learn" webinar where your trainees can learn how to get the most out of the platform.
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