5 free tools and resources to help you market your practice
In the January Newsletter, founder Gary Doernhoefer shared ADR Notable’s goals for the year, and then we asked what you are hoping to accomplish. “Do more to market my practice” eked out a first place position over the closely related runner-up “Grow my business.” To get you started toward meeting this goal, below are five of our favorite free resources and tools to boost your marketing efforts.
But before launching into those, we recommend that you check out Section 6, Market Your Practice, of the ADR Notable Practical Guide to Starting a Dispute Resolution Practice. Originally conceived as a helpful resource for those just starting out, the guide has plenty of tips for people at all stages of their careers. (For example, have you optimized your Google Business Profile? It costs you nothing, and it’s a great way to drive business your way.)
Five Free Resources to Market Your Dispute Resolution Practice
Susan Guthrie’s Practice Building Tip of the Day newsletter on LinkedIn.
One of our favorite posts was on Creating a Top-Notch Landing Page for your Website. And don’t forget about The Make Money Mediating Podcast with Susan Guthrie. There are 57 episodes, so there is no shortage of great ideas here!
2. Marketing Keys for Professions.
Sticking with podcasts, this 38-minute episode features attorney and podcast host Brent Nelson talking to Ronnie Deaver, CEO of NoBull Marketing, a legal profession marketing agency that specializes in generating leads and helping to convert more potential clients into paying clients.
3. Marketing Monday for Mediators and Arbitrators
Natalie Armstrong-Motin streams “Marketing Monday” live on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter every Monday at 8 am Pacific/11 am EST. Also check out her website (www.howtomarketmymediationpractice.com/) to learn more about her Coaching and Consulting services, and Training Seminars.
4. ADR Notable’s Marketing Resources
- Did you know that there are tools built in to the ADR Notable platform that can help you grow your business? Here are 5 ADR Notable features that will boost your marketing game.
Click on the image below to see what we’re talking about…
- One of ADR Notable’s most popular Blog posts continues to be How to Grow Your Mediation Practice Using Social Media. While social media shouldn’t be the only marketing channel you use, when it’s done well, it is a cost-effective way to reach a large number of people.
It’s easy to try out ADR Notable for 21 days. It’s free; no credit card info required.
5. Canva
If you think that creating your own professional-looking marketing collateral is beyond your reach in terms of skill or the time it requires, you may change your mind after trying Canva. Truly, it is quick and easy. There is a “free for life” version, but even the professional level (currently at $119/year) is worth every penny. And if you are a non-profit mediation provider, there is a special option for you.
Do you have favorite Marketing Resources and Tips to share? Let us know and we will add them to the list.
To get started with ADR Notable, first sign up for a free trial (no credit card required), then sign up for one of our Demos.